Blog Parallax

Blog Parallax

5 Tips for Creating a Winning Architecture Portfolio

If you are an architecture student or a fresh graduate, your portfolio is your best bet towards finding a substantial future whether it’s related with employers, clients or tutors. Don’t look at it just as a compilation of your work because it’s way more than that. It’s actually a reflection of your character, your skills […]

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A 6-Day Plan to Getting an Organized Home Office

During the time of lockdown, everyone is working from home. There are a lot of things you need to consider while working from home if you want it to be effective. The idea behind organizing everything is so you can have a productive and pleasant working environment even at home.  In order to create a […]

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7 Elements of an Inspiring Home Gym

Working out at home can be really difficult. However, with the right motivation and incentives, you can enjoy your workouts, stay fit and have more energy than ever.  Here is the 7 elements of an inspiring home gym you should definitely consider if you are looking to create a workout zone at home.  Add some […]

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9 Reasons Why You Might Want to Work With an Interior Designing Pro

People have a lot of inhibitions about hiring an interior designer and on top of that interior designers are thought to be some kind of magicians who have the capability to turn a space around in a day. Although that’s the take reality shows have on designers, it’s not the reality.  For a designer, the […]

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